Kochadaiiyaan is an upcoming 3D motion computer animated Tamil film directed by Soundarya R. Ashwin and written by K. S. Ravikumar. The film is set to release worldwide on 11 April 2014, dubbed in regional languages Telugu (as Vikramasimha), Bhojpuri, Bengali, Hindi, Marathi and Punjabi. The film will also have a dubbed English version release at the international screens.
Let's watch and enjoy the Kochadaiiyaan - The Legend Official Trailer.... :)
Kochadaiiyaan Cast & Crew:
- Rajinikanth as Kochadaiiyaan and Rana
- Deepika Padukone as Princess Vadhana[8]
- R. Sarathkumar as Sengodagan
- Shobana
- Aadhi as Veera Mahendra
- Rukmini Vijayakumar
- Jackie Shroff as Raja Mahendra
Let's watch and enjoy the Kochadaiiyaan - The Legend Official Trailer.... :)
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