One more Telugu news channel is ready to join the list of existing 19 news channels in the state. From starting of Prajarajyam party there has been news about TV channel from Chiranjeevi’s group of leaders but it has not materialised till now.But, Tulasi Rama Chandra who earlier played active role in Prajarajyam party, is starting a news channel soon.
The channel named as Tulasi news and it will start it operations from January 26th. Rama Chandra Prabhu is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, He is the chairman of Tulasi Group consisting of 12 companies including Tulasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
He is a follower and admirer of chiranjeevi and also said that he got his blessings for this channel.Tulasi Rama Chandra had unsuccessfully contested the previous Assembly election against the Minister Kanna Lakshminarayana. He now claims himself to be a Congressman along with other Prajarajyam members
Buzz is that, Chiranjeevi is one of the promoter and has huge stake in the Channel. Its known that Chiranjeevi family already has a minority stake in 'Maa TV'
The channel named as Tulasi news and it will start it operations from January 26th. Rama Chandra Prabhu is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, He is the chairman of Tulasi Group consisting of 12 companies including Tulasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
He is a follower and admirer of chiranjeevi and also said that he got his blessings for this channel.Tulasi Rama Chandra had unsuccessfully contested the previous Assembly election against the Minister Kanna Lakshminarayana. He now claims himself to be a Congressman along with other Prajarajyam members
Buzz is that, Chiranjeevi is one of the promoter and has huge stake in the Channel. Its known that Chiranjeevi family already has a minority stake in 'Maa TV'
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